About Us

Max & Debby Ariel's Vibes Founders
....And I think to myself,
what a wonderful world ...
Louis Armstrong used to sing these words in late '60 and we think that everybody can agree with it: our world is wonderful, no matter where you come from or where you are going... Beauty is an every day discovery.
The World deserves things made with Love, Creativity, Authenticity Uniqueness and above all, a human touch.
We came up with this statement: every day you do choices and you can choose at your best keeping in mind our motto: your aesthetics is your ethics.
Glamour and sustainability can be allied.
To make a long story short, Ariel's Vibes was born from a dream in one of the sweetest beaches of US, on the Gulf of Mexico, with fine sand of Pass-a-Grille between our toes we decided that the World needs dreams, Authentic Vibes and True Promises that can spread only through goods crafted with heart and passion.
We are Debby and Max, we are from Italy and we love USA, when we are not in USA we live around the eternal Rome and the fashionable Milan.
We decided to take you with us in Italy with a journey through Italian taste, iconic handmade apparel, art crafts and one of a kind fashion goodies. We want to allow niche Italian brands and selected artisans, to reach and fascinate you with their stories and craft works with the most fair price.
Because of the way we designed our shop, some of our products are already in our warehouse here in the US, but most of them are produced expressly for YOU, then they are still in the wise hands of our artisans, that will customize your choice, so be patient! We will keep you updated on your order with full transparency: your Uniqueness will be on his way sooner than you could think and you won't regret to wait for it!